• youreads puanı (1.50)

  1. shift k3y'in 2014'te çıkan single'ı. ep'sinde bir ton remix bulmak mümkündür.

    !---- spoiler ----!

    i know what you're looking for,
    but i'm not that guy, and i'm not that type,
    so what, you haven't seen before,
    cause i'll make you up just a little bit more,

    (type, i i, i know, i i, i know, i know, i i)

    i know what you're looking for,
    but i'm not that guy, and i'm not that type,
    so what, you haven't seen before,
    cause i'll make you up just a little bit more,

    (type, i know, i know)


    i know what you're looking for,
    but i'm not that guy, and i'm not that type,
    so what, you haven't seen before,
    cause i'll make you up just a little bit more

    (type, i know, i know)

    !---- spoiler ----!