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the royal tenenbaums - wes anderson
komedi-drama türündeki film, üç çocuklu tenenbaum ailesini konu alır. üç kardeş de çocukluklarında farklı alanlardaki yetenekleriyle başarlı olur. ancak büyüme çağındayken babalarının evi terk etmesi sonrası hepsinin bu başarıları geçmişte kalır, büyük hayal kırklıkları yaşarlar.

  1. ölecek misin, ölmeyecek misin!

    Royal: Got a minute?
    Ethel: [startled] What are you doing here?
    Royal: Uh, I need a favour. I want to spend some time with you and the children.
    Ethel: Are you crazy?
    [she carries on walking]
    Royal: Well, wait a minute, dammit!
    Ethel: Stop following me!
    Royal: Well, I want my family back.
    Ethel: Well, you can't have it! I'm sorry for you, but it's too late.
    Royal: Well, listen... Baby, I'm dying.
    [she stops]
    Royal: Yeah, I-I'm sick as a dog. I'll be dead in six weeks. I'm dying.
    Ethel: What are you talking about? What's happening? Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't know...
    [starts crying]
    Ethel: Well, what'd they say? What is the prognosis?
    Royal: [trying to comfort her] Take it easy, Ethel. Now, hold on, baby, hold on. Hold on, OK?
    [she starts wailing]
    Ethel: Where is the doctor?
    Royal: Well, look, just wait a second now. Wait a second. OK, uh, listen, I'm not dying... but I need some time. A month or so. OK? I want us to-to...
    [she slaps him hard]
    Ethel: WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? Are you crazy?
    [she walks off]
    Royal: Ethel, baby... I am dying.
    [she comes back to him]
    Ethel: Are you or aren't you?
    Royal: What? Dying? Yeah.

    kaynak: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0265666/quotes