• youreads puanı (6.50)
  1. morrissey'in viva hate'den (1988) ilk şarkısı.

    !---- spoiler ----!

    were you and he lovers?
    and would you say so if you were?
    on a forecourt
    on a friday
    passing my way
    were you and he lovers?
    and if you were, then say that you were!
    on a groundsheet
    under canvas
    with your tent-flap
    open wide
    a note upon his desk:
    "p.s. bring me home and have me!"
    leather elbows on a tweed coat
    - oh! -
    is that the best you can do?
    so came his reply:
    "...but on the desk is where i want you!"
    so i ask (even though i know):
    were you and he lovers?

    !---- spoiler ----!

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