• youreads puanı (0.00)
  1. what can i say, she's walking away
    from what we've seen
    what can i do, still loving you
    it's all a dream

    how can we hang on to a dream
    how can it, will it be, the way it seems

    what can i do, she's saying we're through
    with how it was
    what will i try, i still don't see why
    she says what she does

    how can we hang on to a dream
    how can it, will it be, the way it seems

    what can i say, she's walking away
    from what we've seen
    what can i do, still loving you
    it's all a dream

    how can we hang on to a dream
    how can it, will it be, the way it seems
    how can we hang on to a dream

    what can i say, she's walking away
    from what we've seen
    what can i do, still loving you
    it's all a dream

    how can we hang on to a dream
    how can it, will it be, the way it seems
    how can we hang on to a dream

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