1. victim or perpetrator deyişiyle insanın içini eriten, person of interest introsunun şahane özetindeki cümlelerinin ilki.
    şuradan izlenebilir orijinali.

    daha güzeli ise son sezonda rakip sistemin karışmasıyla düzenlenen versiyonudur;

    !---- spoiler ----!

    Finch: You are being watched. The government has a secret system.
    Greer: A system you asked for to keep you safe.
    Finch: A machine that spies on you every hour of every day.
    Greer: You granted it the power to see everything... To index, order, and control the lives of ordinary people.
    Finch: The government considers these people irrelevant. We don't.
    Greer: But to it, you are all irrelevant. Victim or perpetrator, if you stand in its way...
    Finch: We'll find you.

    !---- spoiler ----!
    bu da yeni versiyonu

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