1. Bilinen adıyla Malcolm x, asıl adıyla El-hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Afroamerikan ve Müslüman olan insan hakları aktivistidir. Önceden bağlı olduğu Amerika'daki İslam Ümmetinden ayrıldıktan kısa bir süre sonra suikaste kurban gitmiştir.
    Hayatı İslam Ümmetinden önce, İslam Ümmeti dönemi ve sonrası diye üçe ayırabiliriz. Yaşamının ilk yıllarında ırkçılığa maruz kalmış ve daha sonra da haneye tecavüz ve hırsızlıktan dolayı hapise girmiştir. Kardeşlerinin etkisiyle Elijah Muhammad'ın yeniden yorumladığı islamla tanışmış, ve bir süre sonrada dinini değiştirmiştir. Hapisten çıktıktan sonra aktif olarak İslam Ümmetinde vaizlik yapmış ve giderek yükselerek Elijah Muhammad'in temsilcisi ve sesi olmuştur. Zamanla popülaritesi arttığından düşmanları çoğalmış ve en sonunda elijah muhammad ile yolları ayrı düşmüştür. Daha sonra hacca gidip Sünni müslümanlığa dönen Malcolm, kısa süren hayatını Afro-amerikan Örgütünü kurarak ve sahip olduğu beyazlara karşı olan ırkçı görüşlerinden bir nebze olsun arınarak tamamlamıştır.
    Hayatının son yıllarında verdiği bir konuşma:

    So when I got over there and went to Makkah and saw these people who were blond and blue-eyed and pale-skinned and all those things, I said, "well!" but I watched them closely. and I noticed that though they were white, and they would call themselves white, there was a difference between them and the white one over here. and that basic difference was this: in Asia or the Arab world or in Africa, where the Muslims are, if you find one who says he's white, all he's doing is using an adjective to describe something that's incidental about him, one of his incidental characteristics; so there's nothing else to it, he's just white.

    But when you get the white man over here in America and he says he's white, he means something else. You can listen to the sound of his voice -- when he says he's white, he means he's a boss.That's right. That's what "white" means in this language. You know the expression, "free, white, and twenty-one." He made that up. He's letting you know all of them mean the same. "White" means free, boss. He's up there. So that when he says he's white he has a little different sound in his voice. I know you know what I'm talking about.

    This was what I saw was missing in the Muslim world. If they said they were white, it was incidental. White, black, brown, red, yellow, doesn't make any difference what color you are. So this was the religion that I had accepted and had gone there to get a better knowledge of it.
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