• youreads puanı (7.63)
  1. sarkı desen sarkı değil, ağıt desen ağıt değil, bitmiyor bitiriyor. hissettirdiği şey hüzün mü onu bile tanımlayamıyorum zira tanımlama organımı uyusturuyor. sadece judia deneni bulup göğsümde uyutmak istediğimi biliyorum

    sozlerin ingilizce cevirisi. judia ise yahudi anlamindadir.

    !---- spoiler ----!

    judia1 will be your name:
    my mother kissed my forehead when i was born,
    a kiss of love my mother gave to me when i was born,
    filled with pain she said: judia, judia will be your name
    judia, judia, will be your name...
    my mother lit the candles of sabbath, illuminating my eyes
    my father sang to me festive songs, they brightened up my heart.
    and he said to me:
    judia, judia, will be your name
    in my dark eyes, in your dark hairs
    you've come to love my country, they shine like candles
    candles without consolation.
    silently, killing themselves, they said "judia, judia..."
    judia, judia, will be your name...
    and i wanted to run away, to lose myself on the way, and not carry the pain in my chest,
    not to have to carry the horror of the bad sign, that screamed and cried by the river.

    !---- spoiler ----!

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