1. 8 eylul 1752'de paris veya toulouse'da dogmus, 10 ocak 1833'te paris'te olmus fransiz matematikci.

    kendisi bilime fazlasiyla katkida bulunmus, calismalari ardillarina, ornegin; polinom kokleri uzerine calismalari galois teorisine, niels henrik abel'in eliptik fonksiyonlarina, esin kaynagi olmus. 1830'da fermat'nin son teoremine ustel n = 5 icin bir kanit sunmus. sayilar kuraminda -daha sonra gauss tarafindan kanitlanan- quadratic reciprocity'yi tahmin etmis. 1796'da ileri surdugu asal sayilar teoremi 1898'de jacques hadamard ve charles jean de la vallée-poussin tarafindan kanitlanmis. reel degiskenli ve reel degerli bir fonksiyonu bir digerine donusturmeye yarayan ve klasik mekanik, termodinamik, vs.'de kullanilan legendre donusumunu gelistirmis. fizik ve muhendislikte siklikla karsilasilan legendre polinomunun isim babaligini^:namegiver^ yapmis. 1794'te yayinlanan ve konu hakkinda yaklasik 100 yil boyunca temel eser olan calismasi éléments de géométrie ile taninmaktaymis. ay'daki legendre kraterine ismini vermis. ayrica eyfel kulesi'nde ismi kazinmis olarak yer alan 72 bilim insanindan biriymis (bkz: iste o 72 isim) .

    1805'te nouvelles méthodes pour la détermination des orbites des comètes adiyla yayinladigi calismasinda en kucuk kareler yontemini gelistirmis. yontem her ne kadar gauss'un bulusu olarak gorulse de gauss yontem hakkindaki calismasina theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium adli eserinin ikinci cildinde yer vermis ki kendisi bu eseri 1809'da yayinlamis. ki dahasi gauss'tan 1 yil once amerikali matematikci robert adrain konu hakkinda bir calismasini yayinlamis. wikipedia'ya gore robert adrain buyuk ihtimalle adrien-marie legendre'nin calismasindan haberdarmis.

    gauss, w. olbers'e, 30 temmuz 1806'da gonderdigi mektubunda soyle demis,

    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!
    “the principle which i have used since 1794, that the sum of squares must be minimized for the best representation of several quantities which cannot all be represented exactly, is also used in legendre’s work and is most thoroughly developed.”
    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!

    mealen: 1794'ten beri kullandigim yontem legendre'nin calismasinda da kullanilmis ve gelistirilmis.

    1809'da yayinladigi calismasinda ise,

    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!
    “. . . our principle, which we have made use of since the year 1795, has lately been published by legendre . . . .”
    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!

    mealen: 1795'ten beri kullandigimiz yontemimiz yakin zamanda legendre tarafindan yayinlanmis

    buyurmus. bunun uzerine olsa gerek legendre, gauss'a, 31 mayis 1809'da gonderdigi mektubunda soyle demis,

    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!
    “i will therefore not conceal from you, sir, that i felt some regret to see that in citing my memoir p. 221 you say principium nostrum quo jam inde ab anno 1795 usi sumus etc. there is no discovery that one cannot claim for oneself by saying that one had found the same thing some years previously; but if one does not supply the evidence by citing the place where one has published it, this assertion becomes pointless and serves only to do a disservice to the true author of the discovery. . . . you have treasures enough of your own, sir, to have no need to envy anyone.”
    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!

    mealen: hafiz cok kirildim bana atif yapmamis, utanmadan ne demisin. kendine ait bir cok hazinen var baskalarina kiskanclik besleme adam gibi ya benim adimi ver yok vermiyorsan da bana calismanin kanitini sun oyle yok ben bulmustum zaten diye ayak yapma.

    gauss ayari yedikten sonra 24 ocak 1812 tarihli mektubunda w. olbers'e

    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!
    “perhaps you will ?nd an opportunity sometime, to attest publicly that i already stated the essential ideas to you at our ?rst personal meeting in 1803. i ?nd among my papers that in june 1798, when the method was one which i had long applied, i ?rst saw laplace’s method and indicated its incompatibility with the principles of the calculus of probability in a short diary-notebook about my mathematical occupations.”
    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!

    mealen: 1803'teki bulusmamizda yontemin temel fikirlerini sana anlattigimi belki bi ara halka aciklama firsati bulursun. defterlerimi karistirirken buldum gunlugume not dusmusum laplace olasiliklar celisiyor falan fesmekan.

    iste o gunluk, “calculus probabilitatis contra la place defensus. gott. jun. 17.”

    legendre, jacobi'ye, 30 kasim 1827 tarihli mektubunda soyle demis,

    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!
    “how can mr. gauss have dared to tell you that the greater part of your theorems were known to him and that he discovered them as early as 1808? . . . but this is the same man who, in 1801, wished to attribute to himself the discovery of the law of reciprocity published in 1785 and who wanted to appropriate in 1809 the method of least squares published in 1805. – other examples will be found in other places, but a man of honour should refrain from imitating them.”
    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!

    mealen: gauss efendi sana senin teoremlerini onun daha once bildigini hem de 1808'de bildigini nasil iddia eder? ... dur lan bu adam 1785'te yayinlamis law of reciprocity'yi 1801'de, 1805'te yayinlanmis en kucuk kareleri de 1809'da kendine mal etmeye calismisti zaten. arastirsak daha ne boklari cikar bunun. onurlu bir adamin boyle davranmamasi lazim.

    gauss, schumacher'e 3 aralik 1831'de gonderdigi mektubunda soyle demis,

    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!
    “. . . in no event will i discuss this passage, where the method [gauss’s use of least squares] was publicly indicated for the ?rst time, also that i do not wish one of my friends to do it with my assent. this would amount to recognizing that my announcement that i had used this method many times since 1794 is in need of justi?cation, and with that i shall never agree. when olbers attested, that i communicated the whole method to him in 1802, this was certainly well meant; but if he had asked me beforehand, i would have disapproved it strongly.”
    !---- ing. mektup spoiler ----!

    mealen: daha da tartismam olayi aga ben olbers'e 1802'de anlattim durumu. ben kesfettim lan iste

    onca tartisma, mektuplasma, laf sokmadan sonra kazanani tarih belirlemis. kazanan méthode des moindres quarrés^:terimi legendre bulmus^ ile adrien-marie legendre olmus.

    o halde (bkz: stigler'ın isim babalığı kanunu)
    !---- kaynak spoiler ----!
    Adrien-Marie Legendre
    Robert Adrain
    Carl Friedrich Gauss
    Least Squares

    !---- ileri okuma spoiler ----!
    Fifth Postulate
    r. l. plackett studies in the history of probability and statistics. xxix: the discovery of the method of least squares
    an attack on gauss, published by legendre in 1820
    the method of least squares - hervé abdi
    200 years of least squares method
    r. l. plackett studies in the history of probability and statistics. xxix: the discovery of the method of least squares

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