1. /pol/ (politically incorrect) kitap önermiş, bunları okuyun da siz de bizim gibi siyaset ilmine hakim olun demiş.

    1. the politics of aristotle - aristotle
    2. mein kampf - adolf hitler
    3. the protocols of the learned elders of zion - pyotr rachkovsky
    4. the turner diaries - andrew macdonald
    5. the communist manifesto - karl marx & frederick engels
    6. the theory of the leisure class - thorstein veblen
    7. 1984 - george orwell
    8. animal farm - george orwell
    9. brave new world - aldous huxley
    10. the wealth of nations - adam smith
    11. the prince - niccolo machiavelli
    12. blackwater: the rise of the world’s most powerful mercenary army - jeremy scahill
    13. 7 deadly scenarios - andrew krepinevich
    14. confessions of an economic hitman - john perkins
    15. hitler’s empire - mark mazower
    16. inside the third reich - albert speer
    17. intellectuals and society - thomas sowell
    18. the practice and theory of bolshevism - bertrand russell
    19. the unknown revolution - voline
    20. the autobiography of benjamin franklin - benjamin franklin
    21. meditations - marcus aurelius
    22. arguably - christopher hitchens
    23. atlas shrugged - ayn rand
    24. the art of war - sun tzu
    25. we - yevgeny zamyatin
    26. america alone - mark steyn
    27. the israel lobby and u.s. foreign policy - john mearsheimer
    28. the conscience of a conservative - barry goldwater
    29. the conscience of a liberal - paul krugman
    30. the rise and fall of the third reich - william l. shirer
    31. for a new liberty - murray n. rothbard
    32. anatomy of the state - murray n. rothbard
    33. war collectivism - murray n. rothbard
    34. democracy: the god that failed - hans hoppe
    35. ecomomics in one lesson - henry hazleft
    36. on war - carl von clausewitz
    37. john adams - david mccolloug
    38. siddhartha - hermann hesse
    39. the liberatos - viktor suvorov
    40. the mismeasure of man - stephen jay gould
    41. guns, germs and steel - jared diamond
    42. aquarium - viktor suvorov
    43. icebreaker - viktor suvorov
    44. main currents of marxism - leszek kolakowski
    45. empire - niall ferguson
    46. the killer of little shepherds - douglas starr
    47. the price of inequality - joseph e. stiglitz
    48. men among the ruins - julius evola
    49. sartor resaturs - thomas carlyle
    50. the first holocaust - don heddesheimer
    51. the 48 laws of power - robert greene
    52. how to win friends & influence people - dale carnegle
    53. the unabomber’s manifesto - ted kaczynski
    54. seapower - geoffrey till
    55. man, economy, and state (with power and market) - marray n. rothbard
    56. free to choose - milton friedman
    57. a brief history of neoliberalism - david harvey
    58. the myth of the rational voter - bryan caplan
    59. against democracy and equality: the new european right - tomislav sunic
    60. liberty defined - ron paul
    61. the bell curve - richard j. herrnstein, charles murray
    62. ethnonationalism - walker connor
    63. white identity - jared taylor
    64. the machinery of freedom - david friedman
    65. ethnic conflicts explained by ethnic nepotism - tatu vanhanen
    66. eugenics: a reassessment - richard lynn
    67. the culture of critique - kevin b. macdonald
    68. the federalist papers/the anti-federalist papers - alexander hamilton, james madison, and john jay
    69. leviathan - thomas hobbes
    70. utopia - thomas hobbes
    71. emile, or on education - jean-jacques
    72. the road to serfdom - f.a. hayek
    73. the general theory of employment, interest and money - john maynard keynes
    74. common sense, the rights of man - thomas paine
    75. the treatise of human nature - david hume
    76. did six million really die? - richard verrall
    77. antizion - william grimstad
    78. the jews and their lies - martin luther
    79. the work of all ages - peter christian
    80. lectures on the holocaust - germar rudolf
    81. debating the holocaust - thomas dalton
    82. the rights of man - thomas paine
    83. das kapital - karl marx
    84. battle cry of freedom - james m. mcpherson
    85. the relatively of wrong - isaac asimov
    86. what is property? - pierre-joseph proudhon
    87. the iron heel - jack london
    88. politics and the english language - george orwell
    89. the accidental guerilla - david kilcullen
    90. homage to catalonia - george orwell
    91. tragedy & hope - dr. carroll quigley
    92. fashionable nonsense - alan sokol
    93. predictably irrational - dan ariely
    94. propaganda - edward bernays
    95. the white man’s burden - william easterly
    96. the state: it’s historic role - peter kropotkin
    97. the kingdom of god is within you - leo tolstoy
    98. the spanish cockpit - franz borkenau
    99. biological exuberance - bruce bagemihi

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